
Monday, 10 December 2012

Net book Reflection 2012

This year was my first year with My Netbook. Throughout the year I have enjoyed using my Netbook rather then pen and paper. My first year with my Netbook has been great. I love the fact that our Net books let the teacher see our work easier on her Dashboard. I like how we can take our Netbooks home . Our Netbook provides new technology  that some pupils can't get at home.
If I'm sick at home I can still do what my class is doing because of the class site.I can catch up with what my class is doing .
The thing I enjoy doing the most on my net book is posting on my blog and looking at other people's blog.
Our net books helps us for the future when we go to work and when we will be introduce to a lot of new technology in our future. Another positive thing about our Netbooks is  how fast we can search things up for our Inquiry topics. 
The only thing that's a minus is sometimes our internet connection plays up. This year has been a pleasure using a Netbook because last year at my old school the only source of technology we used were Multi media's Once a week in the ICT suite.

1 comment:

jaylee n said...

Hey Roezala, I love all the vocabulary that you have put into your blog post. It's good to hear that you enjoy using ' Netbooks' for learning and you are absolutely right it is much much easier than using paper and pen. Keep up the great work!

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